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Pupils' instructions: Your Fantasy World

Luokka-asteet: 1.-2., 1.-3.
Oppiaineet: katsomusaineet, kuvataide, äidinkieli ja kirjallisuus

1. Imagine and draw your own fantasy creature. Consider the following:

  • What kind of strengths does your fantasy creature have?
  • How do these strengths show? For example, in the appearance, clothing or things it has with it?
  • How does your fantasy creature behave with the other creatures in the fairy tale worldGive your creature a name and write it on the image you have draw.


2. Give your creature a name and write it on the image you have drawn.


3. Consider and write down the following:

  • What things are important to your creature?
  • In what sort of things does your fantasy creature need help and support from others?
  • How does your fantasy creature support others with its strengths?


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